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SQL Tools

Each SQL Tools function has been assigned to a "family", to make it easier to find related functions. Each page of the SQL Tools Help File's Reference Guide lists the function's family, so you can easily look up related functions.

(For information about all of the "duplicate" functions like SQL_Initialize and SQL_Init below, see Why Are There Two Of Everything?)

Configuration Environment "Use" Functions  
Database Open/Close Database Info/Attrib    
Table Info Table Column Info    
Statement Open/Close Statement Statement Info/Attrib Statement Binding
Stored Procedures      
Result Column Binding Result Count Result Columns  
Error/Trace Utility Family Get Info Handles


Configuration Family

SQL Tools Initialization and Shutdown functions, plus functions that allow you to set and get various "option" values, which are used to configure SQL Tools.

Program startup and shutdown:

SQL_Initialize, SQL_Init

SQL Tools Options:

SQL_OptionSInt, SQL_OptionStr
SQL_SetOptionSInt, SQL_SetOptionStr

Info Export/Import

SQL Tools Pro Only...


Thread startup and shutdown:

SQL Tools Pro Only...


Environment Family

Functions for setting and getting attributes and information about the overall ODBC environment that your program operates in. These values include the ODBC version, the names of the various ODBC drivers and datasources that are available to your program, and information about things like "connection pooling", which affect all of the databases in the environment.

ODBC Environment Attributes:


Available ODBC Drivers:

SQL Tools Pro Only...


Available ODBC Datasources:

SQL Tools Pro Only...



Use Family

Function that allow you to set and get the Current Database and Current Statement numbers, which are used by all of the SQL Tools abbreviated functions.



Database Open/Close Family

Functions related to the opening and closing of Databases.

SQL_NewDatabaseNumber, SQL_NewDBNumber
SQL_OpenDatabase, SQL_OpenDB
SQL_OpenDatabase1, SQL_OpenDatabase2
SQL_DatabaseIsOpen, SQL_DBIsOpen
SQL_CloseDatabase, SQL_CloseDB


Database Info/Attribute Family

Functions that allow you to obtain various Database Attribute and Information values, and to set Database Attribute values. (Generally speaking, SQL Tools "Attribute" settings can be changed, and "Information" settings cannot be changed.)

General Database Information:

SQL_DatabaseInfoStr, SQL_DBInfoStr
SQL_DatabaseInfoUInt, SQL_DBInfoUInt

Information about a database's basic ODBC capabilities:

SQL_FunctionAvailable, SQL_FuncAvail

Database Attributes:

SQL_DatabaseAttribStr, SQL_DBAttribStr
SQL_DatabaseAttribUInt, SQL_DBAttribUInt

Most sub-function are limited to SQL Tools Pro Only...

SQL_SetDatabaseAttribUInt, SQL_SetDBAttribUInt

SQL Tools Pro Only...

SQL_SetDatabaseAttribStr, SQL_SetDBAttribStr

Information about the Data Types that are supported by a database:

SQL Tools Pro Only...

SQL_DatabaseDataTypeCount, SQL_DBDataTypeCount
SQL_DatabaseDataTypeInfoSInt, SQL_DBDataTypeInfoSInt
SQL_DatabaseDataTypeInfoStr, SQL_DBDataTypeInfoStr
SQL_DatabaseDataTypeNumber, SQL_DBDataTypeNumber

Database Transaction Mode:

SQL Tools Pro Only...

SQL_DatabaseAutoCommit, SQL_DBAutoCommit
SQL_EndTransaction, SQL_EndTrans


Table Info Family

Functions that allow you to obtain information about the tables in a database, such as the number of tables, their names, their Table Types, and any remarks that the table's creator included in the database.

General Table Information:

SQL_TableCount, SQL_TblCount
SQL_TableInfoSInt, SQL_TblInfoSInt
SQL_TableInfoStr, SQL_TblInfoStr
SQL_TableNumber, SQL_TblNumber

Table Statistics:

SQL Tools Pro Only...

SQL_TableStatisticSInt, SQL_TblStatSInt

Table Privileges:

SQL Tools Pro Only...

SQL_TablePrivilegeCount, SQL_TblPrivCount
SQL_TablePrivilegeInfoStr, SQL_TblPrivInfoStr


Table Column Info Family

(For functions related to Result Columns,
see the Result Column family below.)

Functions that allow you to obtain information about the columns in a table, such as how many columns there are, their names and types, and whether or not they are nullable.

General Table Column Information:

SQL_TableColumnCount, SQL_TblColCount
SQL_TableColumnInfoSInt, SQL_TblColInfoStr
SQL_TableColumnInfoStr, SQL_TblColInfoSInt
SQL_TableColumnNumber, SQL_TblColNumber

Column Privileges:

SQL Tools Pro Only...

SQL_ColumnPrivilegeCount, SQL_ColPrivCount
SQL_ColumnPrivilegeInfoStr, SQL_ColPrivInfoStr

Unique Columns:

SQL Tools Pro Only...

SQL_UniqueColumnCount, SQL_UniqColCount
SQL_UniqueColumnInfoStr, SQL_UniqColInfoStr
SQL_UniqueColumnInfoSInt, SQL_UniqColInfoSInt


SQL Tools Pro Only...

SQL_AutoColumnCount, SQL_AutoColCount
SQL_AutoColumnInfoStr, SQL_AutoColInfoStr
SQL_AutoColumnInfoSInt, SQL_AutoColInfoSInt

Columns which are indexed:

SQL Tools Pro Only...

SQL_IndexCount, SQL_IndxCount
SQL_IndexInfoStr, SQL_IndxInfoStr
SQL_IndexInfoSInt, SQL_IndxInfoSInt

Columns that are used as Primary Keys:

SQL Tools Pro Only...

SQL_PrimaryKeyCount, SQL_PrimKeyCount
SQL_PrimaryKeyInfoStr, SQL_PrimKeyInfoStr
SQL_PrimaryKeyInfoSInt, SQL_PrimKeyInfoSInt

Columns in other tables that are linked to this table:

SQL Tools Pro Only...

SQL_ForeignKeyCount, SQL_FornKeyCount
SQL_ForeignKeyInfoStr, SQL_FornKeyInfoStr
SQL_ForeignKeyInfoSInt, SQL_FornKeyInfoSInt


Statement Open/Close Family

Functions related to the opening and closing of Statements. (SQL Tools handles most statement open/close operations automatically. These functions allow you to take control of the process, for special circumstances.)

SQL_NewStatementNumber, SQL_NewStmtNumber
SQL_OpenStatement, SQL_OpenStmt
SQL_StatementIsOpen, SQL_StmtIsOpen
SQL_CloseStatement, SQL_CloseStmt


Statement Family

Functions related to SQL statements.

SQL_Statement, SQL_Stmt
SQL_FetchResult, SQL_Fetch

SQL Tools Pro Only...

SQL_AsyncStatement, SQL_AsyncStmt
SQL_FetchRelative, SQL_FetchRel
SQL_Bookmark, SQL_Bkmk
SQL_StatementCancel, SQL_StmtCancel
SQL_MoreResults, SQL_MoreRes
SQL_BulkOperation, SQL_BulkOp
SQL_SetPosition, SQL_SetPos


Statement Info/Attrib Family

Functions that allow you to obtain SQL statement Attribute and Information values, and to set statement Attributes. (Generally speaking, SQL Tools "Attribute" settings can be changed, and "Information" settings cannot be changed.)

General Information about a statement:

SQL_StatementInfoStr, SQL_StmtInfoStr
SQL_StatementNativeSyntax, SQL_StmtNativeSyntax

Statement Attributes:

SQL_StatementMode, SQL_StmtMode
SQL_ResetStatementMode, SQL_ResetStmtMode
SQL_StatementAttrib, SQL_StmtAttrib

SQL Tools Pro Only...

SQL_SetStatementAttrib, SQL_SetStmtAttrib

Named Cursors:

SQL Tools Pro Only...

SQL_NameCursor, SQL_NameCur
SQL_CursorName, SQL_CurName


Statement Binding Family

Functions related to the Bound Parameters of SQL statements:

SQL Tools Pro Only...

SQL_StatementParameterCount, SQL_StmtParamCount
SQL_ParameterInfoUInt, SQL_ParamInfoUInt
SQL_BindParameter, SQL_BindParam
SQL_NextParameter, SQL_NextParam
SQL_LongParameter, SQL_LongParam


Stored Procedure Family

Functions related to Stored Procedures, which are pre-compiled SQL Statements that are stored in a database:

SQL Tools Pro Only...

SQL_ProcedureCount, SQL_ProcCount
SQL_ProcedureInfoStr, SQL_ProcInfoStr
SQL_ProcedureInfoSInt, SQL_ProcInfoSInt

Information about the parameters that a Procedure requires, and the result columns that it produces:

SQL Tools Pro Only...

SQL_ProcedureColumnCount, SQL_ProcColCount
SQL_ProcedureColumnInfoStr, SQL_ProcColInfoStr
SQL_ProcedureColumnInfoSInt, SQL_ProcColInfoSInt


Result Column Binding Family

Functions related to the binding of result columns. (This family is rarely used because of the SQL Tools "Autobind" function, which handles most binding operations.)

SQL_AutoBindColumn, SQL_AutoBindCol
SQL_ManualBindColumn, SQL_ManualBindCol
SQL_UnbindColumn, SQL_UnbindCol

SQL Tools Pro Only...

SQL_DirectBindColumn, SQL_DirectBindCol
SQL_ResultColumnBufferPtr, SQL_ResColBufferPtr
SQL_ResultColumnIndPtr, SQL_ResColIndPtr


Result Count Family

Functions that provide general information about a statement's Result Set, such as the number of Rows and Columns in the set.

SQL_ResultRowCount, SQL_ResRowCount
SQL_ResultColumnCount, SQL_ResColCount


Result Column Family

Functions that provide actual values (i.e. data) from the columns of a result set, provide information about a column's Indicator value, and provide information about the columns themselves (type, name, etc.).

Result Column Values:

SQL_ResultColumnSInt, SQL_ResColSInt
SQL_ResultColumnUInt, SQL_ResColUInt
SQL_ResultColumnBInt, SQL_ResColBInt
SQL_ResultColumnFloat, SQL_ResColFloat
SQL_ResultColumnStr, SQL_ResColStr
SQL_ResultColumnText, SQL_ResColText
SQL_LongResultColumn, SQL_LongResCol

Information about Result Columns:

SQL_ResultColumnInfoSInt, SQL_ResColInfoSInt
SQL_ResultColumnInfoStr, SQL_ResColInfoStr
SQL_ResultColumnType, SQL_ResColType
SQL_ResultColumnSize, SQL_ResColSize
SQL_ResultColumnLen, SQL_ResColLen
SQL_ResultColumnNumber, SQL_ResColNumber

Result Column Indicator values:

SQL_ResultColumnNull, SQL_ResColNull
SQL_ResultColumnMore, SQL_ResColMore
SQL_ResultColumnInd, SQL_ResColInd


Error/Trace Family

Various functions related to error handling and tracing.

SQL_TraceSInt, SQL_TraceStr

SQL Tools Pro Only...



Utility Family

Various utility functions, such as text-to-binary and binary-to-text conversions, a "string interpreter" that simplifies the use of certain characters in strings (such as quotation marks), and a simple Message Box function.



Get Info Family

SQL Tools Internal "Get" Functions. These functions are rarely used in programs because SQL Tools automatically uses these functions (internally) whenever an Info function is used. When an Info function is first used, SQL Tools caches all of the information that is related to the function, for faster access in the future. The Get functions can be used to force SQL Tools to "refresh" the Info data, if you have reason to believe that, while your program is running, a table has been added, a column has been deleted, etc.

SQL_GetTblCols, SQL_GetTableColumns
SQL_GetTblInfo, SQL_GetTableInfo

SQL Tools Pro Only...

SQL_GetDataSources, SQL_GetDrivers
SQL_GetAutoCols, SQL_GetAutoColumns
SQL_GetColPrivs, SQL_GetColumnPrivileges
SQL_GetDBDataTypes, SQL_GetDatabaseDataTypes
SQL_GetFornKeys, SQL_GetForeignKeys
SQL_GetIndxes, SQL_GetIndexes
SQL_GetPrimKeys, SQL_GetPrimaryKeys
SQL_GetProcCols, SQL_GetProcedureColumns
SQL_GetProcs, SQL_GetProcedures
SQL_GetTblPrivs, SQL_GetTablePrivileges
SQL_GetUniqCols, SQL_GetUniqueColumns


Handle Family

These functions can be used to obtain certain window handles, plus the actual ODBC handles of the ODBC Environment, each ODBC database connection, and each ODBC statement.


SQL Tools Pro Only...

It should not be necessary to use these functions unless you wish to write API-level functions that SQL Tools does not provide. (Of which there are very, very few.):

SQL_hDatabase, SQL_hDB
SQL_hStatement, SQL_hStmt

Why Are There Two Of Everything?

When you look at the list of SQL Tools functions, you will probably notice that there are two of just about everything. Here’s why…

SQL Tools is capable of handling extremely complex programs. In fact, SQL Tools Pro could theoretically be used to write a program that uses 256 different databases at the same time, and where each database has 256 SQL statements that are active, all at the same time. (A much more likely scenario would be a program that uses several databases with one active statement at a time, or one database with several active statements, but anything is possible.)

But most of the time, most programs will use a single database and a single statement at a time.

Here is an example of "two of everything"…

One of the most commonly used SQL Tools functions is called SQL_Statement. It is used to execute SQL statements, to tell a database what to do. To use the SQL_Statement function, you need to specify a Database Number (from 1-256), a Statement Number (from 1-256), a parameter like PREPARE or EXECUTE, and a string that contains the SQL statement.

Since most of the time you will be dealing with Database #1 and Statement #1, it can be very tedious to type 1,1 at the beginning of every single function's parameter list, so SQL Tools provides a complete set of "abbreviated" functions that use default values for the database number and statement number.

If a function name contains the word "Database", "Statement", 'Table", "Column", or "Result" it is a verbose function that requires you to specify a Database number and/or a Statement Number.

On the other hand, if a function name contains the abbreviation "DB", "Stmt", "Tbl", "Col", or "Res" it is an abbreviated function that does not allow the Database Number and Statement Number to be specified as parameters. (Please note that certain words like "Info" are never spelled out in function names and do not indicate an abbreviated function.)

Here is a specific example of a verbose function…


And here is the abbreviated function that would perform precisely the same operation…


The SQL_Statement and SQL_Stmt functions are called "twins" and they share a page in the documentation.

If you are writing a program that uses one database at a time, with one statement at a time, we recommend that you use the abbreviated functions. It will save you a lot of typing, and help reduce errors.

If you are writing a more complex program, you have a choice:

Use the verbose functions for everything,

Use the SQL_UseDB and SQL_UseStmt functions to specify which database and statement you want the abbreviated functions to handle.

For example, a program could use Database 1, Statement 3 followed by Database 2, Statement 9 in this way…




Use the abbreviated functions and the "Use" functions like this…

SQL_UseStmt 3

SQL_UseStmt 9

If you often switch the default Database number and Statement number at the same time, you can also use this function…

SQL_UseDBStmt 2,9

…to change both at once.

The advantage of using the SQL_Use functions is that they are "sticky". In other words, once you use SQL_UseDB 2, all of the abbreviated functions will continue to use Database 2 until you use SQL_UseDB again to change the default. In that way, you can use the SQL_Use functions to specify a database or statement, and then perform a large number of abbreviated functions.

It is also possible to mix the verbose and abbreviated functions. For example if a program did 90% of its work with one database and 10% with a handful of others, you could use the abbreviated functions to handle Database 1, Statement 1, and use the verbose functions for the other 10%. The use of verbose functions does not affect the use of the SQL Use functions.


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UPDATED 30 JUL 2017    

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